A locksmith works on locks for doors, cars, safes, homes, windows, and more. If you need a lock installed, repaired, adjusted, rekeyed, or unlocked, you can count on OKC Locksmith professionals. Many people want to know how much an OKC Locksmith costs. There isn’t just one set costs. It depends on what type of lock you have, the service that you need, and some other factors, as well. However, this guide is going to help you figure out how much a locksmith will cost.
Average Locksmith Rates
Before you learn more about the costs for specific types of locksmith services, it can be helpful to know the average rates that are locksmith might charge in general. Some of the rates that you might find with OKC Locksmith services include the following:
- Hourly Rates: $50 to $100
- Rates After-Hours: $75 to $125
- Trip Rates: $50 to $100
- Emergency Trip Rates: $100 to $150
- Rekeying Average Rates: $20 to $50
- Lock Changing Rates: $75 an Hour
- Unlocking Homes: $100 to $200
- Unlocking Cars: $50 to $100
- Rekeying a Car: $50 to $300
- Making New Keys: $10 to $150
- Opening Safes: $50 to $400
- Installing Electronic Security: $100 to $400
If you lock yourself out of your car or home, don’t try to get yourself in. You could cause damage to the door and the lock. This might cost you even more than Locksmith Oklahoma City services.
Locksmith Services for Homes
There are many locksmith services that are provided for a customer’s home. If you ever lock yourself out of your home, need to rekey your home door locks, need to replace your door locks, or have other issues with your door locks, you can get Locksmith Oklahoma City services. Some of the costs that you should know about in regards to locksmith services for your home include the following:
- Rekeying Your Home’s Locks: $40 to $100 in addition to $15 to $40 a lock. Other OKC Locksmith costs for this service may run around $75 an hour. There might also be a trip fee of around $50 to $100. This varies based on the type of lock you have on your doors.
- Changing Your Home’s Door Locks: This will be in the price range of $50 to $300. However, the price for Locksmith Oklahoma City services will vary based on the type of locks you use, what security you want with the new locks, and the type of lock you choose to get.
- Home Lockout: If you lock yourself out of your home, the cost to get back in will be around $35 to $150.
- Copies of Keys: If you need copies of your home keys, it will be around $1 to $10 per key. However, if your keys have electronic components it could cost around $150.
- Installing Deadbolts: To have an OKC Locksmith install deadbolts, it will cost you around $40 to $75 per deadbolt.
- Electronic Locking System: If you want to have an electronic locking system installed for your home, it might run you anywhere between $60 for 1 lock to $2,000 and up for all the doors in your home.
Have you been locked out of your home? Do you need new locks for your home? If so, be sure to contact an OKC Locksmith today.
Locksmith Services for Your Vehicle
Auto locksmiths are experienced in helping people get back into their vehicles after they have been locked out. These locksmiths are also able to replace vehicle locks when needed, as well. Some of the Locksmith Oklahoma City service costs that you might need to know about include the following:
- Unlocking a Vehicle: This service can range from $75 to $150. This may vary depending on the distance the OKC Locksmith has traveled to get to your vehicle. It might cost you twice as much after-hours. However, you might want to check your insurance to see if you have roadside assistance. If you have this service, you won’t have to pay for a locksmith to unlock your vehicle.
- Rekeying Your Vehicle’s Doors: For most, Locksmith Oklahoma City automotive rekeying services, you can expect to pay around $30 to $50 a door. However, if the locksmith needs to come to your location, you might also have a trip fee of $50 to $100 to pay, as well. In addition, you will need new keys made.
- Replacement of Vehicle Door Locks: Generally, this service will cost around $50 to $200. However, if you are also having a keypad placed on your vehicle, it might cost you another $200 to $400.
- Rekeying the Vehicle’s Ignition: OKC Locksmith professionals generally charge around $50 to $150 for this service. However, it does vary based on the make of your car.
- New Vehicle Keys: If you only need new keys for your vehicle, you can expect to pay between $4 and $10 per key. However, if you need a transponder key or a chip key, you might pay between $75 and $400.
- Key Programming: Some OKC Locksmith professionals will offer automotive key programming services. This service will average between $50 and $200.
If you need automotive OKC Locksmith services, be sure to make a call today.
Locksmith Services for a Safe
Do you have a safe that you need to get into? Depending on the type of safe that you have and how the OKC Locksmith will get into, the rates could vary. Some of the information that you need to know relating to these costs includes the following:
- Manual Manipulation: If the OKC Locksmith can open your safe via manual manipulation, it will probably cost you between $150 and $200.
- Drilling Into a Fire Safe: If your locksmith gets into your fire safe by drilling, it would cost you around $200 to $250.
- Drilling Into an In-Floor Safe: This service might cost you around $325 to $475.
- Drilling Into a Money Safe: You can expect to pay between $350 and $400 for this service.
- Hand-Changing the Lock’s Combination: OKC Locksmith professionals will charge around $50 to $70 for this service.
- Switching Mechanical Locks to Electronic Locks: When you get this service from an OKC Locksmith, you will be paying around $100 to $150.
- Installing a Safe: If you have professionals install a safe for you, the cost will be between $150 and $400.
If you need locksmith services when it comes to a safe, these are the rates you can expect to pay in Oklahoma City.
Locksmith Services for Commercial Locations
Commercial locks use different hardware than residential locations. This is why the rates are different for commercial OKC Locksmith services. The rates that you can expect to pay when it comes to commercial locations in Oklahoma City include the following:
- Rekeying Locks: This service will cost you around $75 to $100.
- Extracting Keys: If you need your keys extracted, you will be paying around $50 to $150.
- Locked Out of Your Business: If you get locked out of your business building, you will need to pay between $50 to $200 to get back in.
- Installing New Locks: To get new locks installed for your commercial location, you can expect to pay between $100 and $200.
- Replacing the Locks: You can have an OKC Locksmith replace your locks for $100 to $250.
- Installing High-Security Locks: These types of locks can be installed for around $100 to $450.
- Installing Push Bars: These devices can be installed by an OKC Locksmith for between $200 and $800.
If you own a commercial location, these are some of the locksmith services that you might need.
Other Locksmith Rates
In addition to the above-mentioned OKC Locksmith rates, there are a few others that you should know about. These rates include the following:
- Entry Door Locksmith Rates: These rates will be around $150.
- Changing Apartment Door Locks: An OKC Locksmith will charge around $25 for each door.
- Rekeying or Replacing Door Locks: You can expect to pay half the rate for rekeying your doors rather than replacing them.
- Programming Key Fobs: Locksmiths will generally charge between $50 and $100 for this service.
- Luxury Vehicle Key Replacements: If you have a luxury vehicle, you can expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a key replacement.
- Valet Keys: These types of keys will cost around $4 to $10 each.
These are some of the other locksmith rates that you might need. If you need these services, be sure to contact a Locksmith Oklahoma City professional today. Do you need to get back into your home after locking yourself out? Would you like to have new locks put on your home? Have you locked yourself out of your car in town? Do you own a commercial building and would like to rekey the locks? If so, the above-mentioned services are ones that you might need. In addition, you have read about some other locksmith rates that you might need. Whether you want to get new locks, rekey your locks, or get another locksmith service, you should contact an OKC Locksmith today.